Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crazy love

Why is it that the first guy i ever truly loved turned out to be psycho? I love him with a undying passion and hate him all in one. Then there are those boys who say there in love with me and just my luck they seem to be psychotic as well. I mean I'm no Nancy Spungen well at least i don't think i am , so why the hell am i attracting the sid vicious type? the mentally, emotionally ,physically abusive assholes.

I know Im not normal actually far from it and maybe I'm destined to have a crazy love I just hope that i don't end up dead on the bathroom floor.

"I killed her ...I can't live without her."

The Imaginarium of Dr.Parnassus

I watched it the other day with my best friend and we both enjoyed it.
Heath ledger was truly talented and not to mention So handsome it's a shame he left this world so early.

I recommend that everyone should watch this and if you get easily confused
due to a lack of intelligence because i think the message is clear watch it for
the pretty pictures and prettypeople.

I assure you that you wont be disappointed.